1. Ha ha loved this post. Too true. And skirt-pants?? Brilliant, I'd forgotten all about those. Or maybe I had buried them deep in my mind – what was that fashion all about??? Yes, we are different as we grow and things do change. However, I sometimes seem to be 'borrowing' my old self now and again. I think how care-free I was and now and again I use this. I also ALWAYS make a point of wondering if there is any booze, wherever we go, but then again that could just be the kids driving me to that… Lovely post, lovely blog x

    • Hi Kerrie, thanks so much for reading and commenting – I'm delighted you like it! Yes the skirt-trouser… I remember mine vividly and I can tell you hand on heart that it never looked good. Mine was from Pilot – remember Pilot?! I think I can still be carefree but mainly just if we're on holiday and I don't feel like I have a to do list as long as my arm – and the weather is nice enough to make me not question the need for additional layers… 🙂 x

  2. Funny post. On the subject of leaving the house to do anything at all whatsoever, can I also add 'will we get there in one fucking piece?' Not that I'm a neurotic you understand. Oh no ….

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