1. Yet again, another post that I love from you haha. Learning to accept compliments is on my list of things to achieve before I'm thirty. I always felt like compliments were a trap which is just ridiculous when you think about it. It definitely comes from having trusted people in the past only to find that they later embarrassed me or publicly said something mean about me. I'm slowly getting better at it but it's hard not to just bat them away! I also worry that compliments are a lie too? Do you ever get that?! So stupid!

    • I'm just so pleased you can relate to so many of my posts! And yes, definitely – the trust thing is what this whole issue comes down to. And actually yes, I agree with you on the lies front. I think partly because I think I myself have sometimes given compliments without properly thinking before in a bid to try and win people over but to be fair, that always came from a good place!

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