1. Love this post 🙂 I had no idea about the prawns thing, how fascinating!! Avocado in salad is also awesome. You've learned some awesome things this year, hope 2015 is as good! xx

    • Thanks Suzy! Seriously, the prawn thing has been driving me mad for ages – thank goodness for Google. I have learnt a lot, it's always get these things written down to look through. I'm sure I could have included more but there's only so much you can expect people to read… 🙂 Happy New Year! X

  2. This is a brilliant post. It made me laugh, it made me smile and it made me nod my head knowingly. It was lovely to meet you at Blogfest. Here's to 2015. Hugs Mrs H xxxx PS I have heard lots about Mindfulness but I still don't know what it is. Is there something i should read about it?

    • Thank you! That was exactly the effect I hoped it would have 🙂 It was so lovely to meet you too – I often think of our little chat over prosecco!

      Mindfulness is really very helpful – writing this has made me realise I need to do it more. It's basically learning to live in the present rather than constantly thinking about the past or worrying about the future – which is what we all do. When you manage to do it it's just very calming which is what I need. Do give it a try. The Headspace app is a brilliant way to start.

      I hope you have a very happy new year xx

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