1. Keats

    When I was pregnant I was told to be kind to myself when I became a mother. I didn’t really understand the importance of this advice until I had my son and there were so
    many opportunities for me to doubt myself or to be critical of myself. Being a parent is the hardest thing I have ever done and it tests me in ways I never expected, but there is such joy in getting to know and raise these little people who grew in my body but are beings completely separate from myself.

    • Charlotte

      I can really see now why people said that too. It really is so amazing to see somebody you made grow and to find the balance between helping them and letting them just be themselves. I’m only at the very start but am really interested to see what the next stages are like. I’m very sure you’re doing a marvellous job, Keating. Thank you for reading x

  2. Sitting here with my nine month old daughter asleep on my lap, smiling as I read your words. I had no idea how hard and scary it would be – or how much fun it would be. And all those funny little rituals you develop that form the basis of your new routine.

    I’m pleased to hear it’s all settling down for you now – that’s the nice bit about three months, you start to feel confident that you know what you’re doing 🙂

    • Charlotte

      You’re so right, Nina. It’s amazing all the little things that are so different from life before but that are now a such a huge part of everyday. Wow, nine months has gone quickly! I hope you’re both doing really well. Thank you for reading x

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