10 things I have taught my husband
1. The phrase ‘Softly softly catchee monkey’. I don’t know if you’ve ever been there the first time a person hears these words, but it’s a very special moment.
2. That when I say ‘It would be great if you could…’ (tidy the kitchen/empty the washing machine/stop eating all the chocolate and then leaving the wrapper in the cupboard to trick me into believing that there’s some left) I mean – ‘I’m annoyed that you haven’t already…’
3. That although having somebody say that they love you in person is excellent, from time to time, I will need to see that in writing via a greetings card.
4. That what’s even more impressive than offering to load the dishwasher, is actually remembering to switch it on. *twitches*
5. That watching a woman put on tights is 100% less sexy than it first appears.
6. That house trousers – i.e. a pantalon so comfortable that you can eat a giant roast dinner and 200g of chocolate and still not feel a pinch at your waistline – are an essential belonging (and in no way a sign that you’ve stopped making an effort with your appearance).
7. That attempting to rouse a woman who has fallen asleep on the sofa late at night is a task undertaken at your own risk.
8. That going to the supermarket (or arranging for a suitable representative to deliver their produce to your door) is something that people who like eating food HAVE. TO. DO.
9. That washing a jumper that says ‘Hand-wash only’ on the label at 40 degrees comes with consequences (namely me making shite and frankly terrifying jokes for the next three months about how I’m going to keep the now tiny jumper to give to the daughter that we may one day co-produce. Though, to be fair, he has never made that mistake again.)
10. That despite my limited physical strength, I would fight anything and anyone who ever tries to hurt him (and if they happen to pop round when I’ve just had a nap then GOOD LUCK TO THEM).
And 11 things he has taught me…
1. That you can grate cheese onto soup. What was my life before I knew this?
2. That the level of rage I experience when attempting to update my iPod makes me very difficult to be around.
3. That some people like to sit and let their food go down after dinner, rather than instantly tidying the entire kitchen – and that doing so does not mean that they do not ‘respect the value of living in a clean house’ but that they are full, tired, and will do it in a bit.
4. That there is no limit to the number of rugby highlights a person can enjoy. Like, not at ALL.
5. That really it would be better for both of us if I just went to bed when I was tired.
6. That he is willing to lie to me about how ‘truly’ frightening rides are at theme parks in order to persuade me to go on them (I imagine that the people who run the automatic camera on Oblivion at Alton Towers enjoyed the moment when I found this out).
7. That there is no more effective way to avoid an argument than simply refusing to join in and leaving the room.
8. ….and that following a person who does this around and sighing will not alter their decision.
9. That having an iPad means that I can watch Coronation Street in the bath. (It is possible that this lesson was 40% motivated by knowing I will enjoy my programmes in a warm setting, and 60% by the knowledge that it will free up the television for X-Box based activities).
10. That it is possible to look at a person and wonder how on earth there was ever a time when you didn’t know them.
11. And that I never want that time to come again.
Loved reading these. Switch rugby highlights for basketball shows and I'm there with you. Totally agree with you on house trousers (or relaxation pants as I like to call them) and the cheese on soup thing – never thought of this before so thanks to your husband! x